The Hard Times Placer Gold Claim offers impressive mining opportunities An extensive amount of exposed bedrock as well as the natural streambed support productive gold recovery The claim is suited for most types of gold mining activities from panning sluicing and high banking to metal detecting dowsing and dredging
Unbelievable chance to own one of NE Nevada s oldest Mining Claims Hawkeye located high up in the Northern Schell Creek Mountain Range and surrounded by the Humboldt Toiyabe National Forest with timber seasonal water 360 degree views and full of wildlife such as Elk Mountain Sheep Cougar etc Pictures of property for sale taken in August
·Missoula Gulch Gold Placer Mining Claim For Sale/Lease/Joint Venture Understand the rules There are two types of federal mining claims; patented and non patented A patented claim coveys land ownership and the owner is allowed to build upon or improve the land; the Government has passed title to the claimant making it private
Financing 40 acre Famous Trout Fishing Creek Gold&Gem Mining Claim IDAHO CITY BOISE COUNTY GOLD PROSPECTING EXPERIENCE MINING CLAIM OWNERSHIP OWNER FINANCING This is a legally registered 40 acre gold and gem Mining Claim for sale the Crooked River Gold #3 and the Crooked River Gold #4 each a 20 acre mining
Western Mining Claims for sale ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROSPECTORS LLC INVENTORY Home Contact us About Us mine inventory The Hidden Treasure Mine Lode acres Clear Creek County Colorado Broadwater County Montana $21 000 SALE PENDING The Treasure Hill Mine Lode acres
Filter 10 000 mining claims by commodity decade disposition and type in Jefferson County Montana 15 583 closed mining claims Uranium Other and Gold mines located in Jefferson County Montana Listing claims originally filed between the 2020 s and the 1880 s Filter By Back Commodity Uranium 143 Other 1
Six lode mining claims on a high grade system of gold and silver veins The claims cover quartz veins generally 1 3 feet up to 5 feet in width with values averaging oz/ton gold and 2 ounces of silver with smaller veins containing oz/ton gold On the eastern portion of the claims a zone yielded 80 oz/ton silver and oz/ton gold
3 ·Patents A patented mining claim is one for which the Federal Government has passed its title to the claimant giving the claimant exclusive title to the locatable minerals and in most cases the surface and all resources
Experts In Placer and Lode Mine Exploration Gunnison Gold Prospecting sells and finances high quality gold silver rare earth base metals and speciality gemstone mines that give the modern day miner a head start in achieving their mining Whether you are a weekend warrior or want to become a full time miner; Gunnison Gold Prospecting has a
1 ·Location a Mining Claim Where Can a Claim be Located There are Federally administered lands in 19 states where you may locate a mining claim or site These states are Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Idaho Louisiana Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota Utah
Filter 10 000 mining claims by commodity decade disposition and type in Helena Montana Uranium and Gold mines located in Helena Montana Listing claims originally filed between the 2020 s and the 1870 s Filter By Back Commodity Uranium 87 Gold 10 Decade First decade active
Investing in this patented mining claim means securing your future in the gold mining industry Experience the thrill of uncovering your own reserves of gold silver and other valuable minerals Take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and make your mark in the lucrative world of gold mining with the 20 Acres Patented Mining Claim
View our mining claim inventory with gold silver copper and platinum mines in Arizona California Colorado Nevada New Mexico Idaho Montana MINING CLAIMS; HOW TO BUY; ABOUT; CONTACT; Login; Go To Compare View Sort by Filters Filter by State Filter by Type Filter by Size Filter by Commodity Filter by Sales Status 385 218
20 Acres in Pony MT $4 950 Montana Creek Yellowstone NPark 20 ac Gold&Gem Mining Claim MONTANA NEAR YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK WITH CREEK This is a legally registered 20 acre gold and gem Mining Claim for sale the Willow Creek #5 with South Willow Creek running thru the whole claim for over 660 feet
Sale Price $43 200 Carl O Johnson Gulch Placer Mining Claim MMC239880 Depending upon when the Patented status was granted many local and federal laws do not apply to Patented claims 6 Patented Mining Claims BLACK PRINCE SUR 1877 All Adjoining Dating back to 1877 Totalling Acres inside Stillwater Range Wilderness Area Churchill
The Diggings is the most comprehensive free mining claim reference online Search 3 921 409 up to date gold silver and other mining claim maps within the USA
Boundary Red Mountain Mine Patented Gold Mine For Sale USA Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA $ Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80 000 tons in Mill Tailings Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels 1 274 320 Gold ounces estimated Estimated Monthly NOI of $ Million based on 400 ton/day operation
The Gold Morgan is a documented mineral property located in the historic confederate gulch mining district of western Montana Featuring one of few known lode deposits in a district labeled the single richest placer strike per acre on earth underground workings driven into a mineralized vein of Gold bearing ore a secluded location and excellent access
1 ·Mining Claims A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered valuable mineral deposit This right does not include exclusive surface rights see Public Law 84 167 There are three basic types of minerals on federally administered lands locatable leasable and
·The Montana Lode Gold Mining Claim with Silver Prospects known as the Elkhorn Beaverhead or OLD ELKHORN MINE has a historic background dating back to 1873 in the Elkhorn Mining District With evidence of production beginning in 1900 the Triangle Gulch mine showcases a series of hillside explorations leading to the creation of
Boundary Red Mountain Mine Patented Gold Mine For Sale USA Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA $ Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80 000 tons in Mill Tailings Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels 1 274 320 Gold ounces estimated Estimated Monthly NOI of $ Million based on 400 ton/day operation
5 ·With the combination of the awe inspiring Northern Rocky Mountains in Western Montana and the vast plains in Eastern Dakotas the MT/ Dakotas BLM management area offers many opportunities for those seeking precious or base metals industrial minerals and recreational opportunities for casual use This site is intended to help to explain BLM
The Argo Mine Montana Mining Claims Western Mining Claims for sale ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROSPECTORS LLC INVENTORY Home Contact us Lode acres Broadwater County Montana $18 500 Under Contract •Commodities Gold Silver Copper • Claim designation Un Patented Lode • Size acres • Location Broadwater County